home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /// Includes
- #define INTUI_V36_NAMES_ONLY
- #include <exec/nodes.h> // exec
- #include <exec/lists.h>
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <intuition/intuition.h> // intuition
- #include <intuition/gadgetclass.h>
- #include <libraries/gadtools.h> // libraries
- #include <libraries/reqtools.h>
- #include <clib/exec_protos.h> // protos
- #include <clib/intuition_protos.h>
- #include <clib/reqtools_protos.h>
- #include <pragmas/exec_pragmas.h> // pragmas
- #include <pragmas/intuition_pragmas.h>
- #include <pragmas/gadtools_pragmas.h>
- #include <pragmas/reqtools_pragmas.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include "DEV_IE:Generators/defs.h"
- #include "DEV_IE:Include/IEditor.h"
- #include "DEV_IE:Generators/C/Config.h"
- #include "DEV_IE:Generators/C/Protos.h"
- ///
- /// Data
- static ULONG CheckedTag[] = { GTCB_Checked, 0, TAG_END };
- ///
- /// Config
- void Config( __A0 struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- struct Window *Wnd = NULL;
- struct Gadget *GList = NULL, *Gadgets[ Conf_CNT ];
- UBYTE Back;
- BOOL ret;
- if( OpenConfWindow( &Wnd, &GList, &Gadgets[0], IE )) {
- (*IE->Functions->Status)( "Cannot open my window!", TRUE, 0 );
- } else {
- Back = IE->C_Prefs;
- IE->C_Prefs = ~IE->C_Prefs;
- TemplateKeyPressed( Wnd, Gadgets, IE, NULL );
- ClickKeyPressed( Wnd, Gadgets, IE, NULL );
- MsgKeyPressed( Wnd, Gadgets, IE, NULL );
- HandlerKeyPressed( Wnd, Gadgets, IE, NULL );
- KeyHandlerKeyPressed( Wnd, Gadgets, IE, NULL );
- ToLowerKeyPressed( Wnd, Gadgets, IE, NULL );
- SmartStrKeyPressed( Wnd, Gadgets, IE, NULL );
- NewTmpKeyPressed( Wnd, Gadgets, IE, NULL );
- IE->C_Prefs = Back;
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs( Gadgets[ GD_Chip ], Wnd, NULL,
- GTST_String, IE->ChipString, TAG_END );
- do {
- WaitPort( Wnd->UserPort );
- ret = HandleConfIDCMP( Wnd, &Gadgets[0], IE );
- } while ( ret == 0 );
- if( ret > 0 )
- IE->C_Prefs = Back;
- else
- strcpy( IE->ChipString, GetString( Gadgets[ GD_Chip ] ));
- }
- CloseWnd( &Wnd, &GList );
- }
- /*
- C source code created by Interface Editor
- Copyright © 1994-1996 by Simone Tellini
- Generator: C.generator 37.0 (16.1.96)
- Copy registered to : Simone Tellini
- Serial Number : #0
- */
- /*
- In this file you'll find empty template routines
- referenced in the GUI source. You can fill these
- routines with your code or use them as a reference
- to create your main program.
- */
- BOOL MsgKeyPressed( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )
- {
- /* Routine when "Intui_Message "'s activation key is pressed */
- CheckedTag[1] = ( IE->C_Prefs & INTUIMSG ) ? FALSE : TRUE;
- GT_SetGadgetAttrsA( Gadgets[ GD_Msg ], Wnd, NULL, (struct TagItem *)CheckedTag );
- /* ...or return TRUE not to call the gadget function */
- return MsgClicked( Wnd, Gadgets, IE, Msg );
- }
- BOOL ClickKeyPressed( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )
- {
- /* Routine when "Clicked _Ptr "'s activation key is pressed */
- CheckedTag[1] = ( IE->C_Prefs & CLICKED ) ? FALSE : TRUE;
- GT_SetGadgetAttrsA( Gadgets[ GD_Click ], Wnd,
- NULL, (struct TagItem *)CheckedTag );
- /* ...or return TRUE not to call the gadget function */
- return ClickClicked( Wnd, Gadgets, IE, Msg );
- }
- BOOL OkKeyPressed( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )
- {
- /* Routine when "_Ok"'s activation key is pressed */
- /* ...or return TRUE not to call the gadget function */
- return OkClicked( Wnd, Gadgets, IE, Msg );
- }
- BOOL CancKeyPressed( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )
- {
- /* Routine when "_Cancel"'s activation key is pressed */
- /* ...or return TRUE not to call the gadget function */
- return CancClicked( Wnd, Gadgets, IE, Msg );
- }
- BOOL HandlerKeyPressed( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )
- {
- /* Routine when "IDCMP _Handler"'s activation key is pressed */
- CheckedTag[1] = ( IE->C_Prefs & IDCMP_HANDLER ) ? FALSE : TRUE;
- GT_SetGadgetAttrsA( Gadgets[ GD_Handler ], Wnd,
- NULL, (struct TagItem *)CheckedTag );
- /* ...or return TRUE not to call the gadget function */
- return HandlerClicked( Wnd, Gadgets, IE, Msg );
- }
- BOOL KeyHandlerKeyPressed( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )
- {
- /* Routine when "_Key Handler "'s activation key is pressed */
- CheckedTag[1] = ( IE->C_Prefs & KEY_HANDLER ) ? FALSE : TRUE;
- GT_SetGadgetAttrsA( Gadgets[ GD_KeyHandler ], Wnd,
- NULL, (struct TagItem *)CheckedTag );
- /* ...or return TRUE not to call the gadget function */
- return KeyHandlerClicked( Wnd, Gadgets, IE, Msg );
- }
- BOOL TemplateKeyPressed( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )
- {
- /* Routine when "_Template "'s activation key is pressed */
- CheckedTag[1] = ( IE->C_Prefs & GEN_TEMPLATE ) ? FALSE : TRUE;
- GT_SetGadgetAttrsA( Gadgets[ GD_Template ], Wnd,
- NULL, (struct TagItem *)CheckedTag );
- /* ...or return TRUE not to call the gadget function */
- return TemplateClicked( Wnd, Gadgets, IE, Msg );
- }
- BOOL ToLowerKeyPressed( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )
- {
- /* Routine when "To Lo_wer "'s activation key is pressed */
- CheckedTag[1] = ( IE->C_Prefs & TO_LOWER ) ? FALSE : TRUE;
- GT_SetGadgetAttrsA( Gadgets[ GD_ToLower ], Wnd,
- NULL, (struct TagItem *)CheckedTag );
- /* ...or return TRUE not to call the gadget function */
- return ToLowerClicked( Wnd, Gadgets, IE, Msg );
- }
- BOOL SmartStrKeyPressed( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )
- {
- /* Routine when "_Smart String"'s activation key is pressed */
- CheckedTag[1] = ( IE->C_Prefs & SMART_STR ) ? FALSE : TRUE;
- GT_SetGadgetAttrsA( Gadgets[ GD_SmartStr ], Wnd,
- NULL, (struct TagItem *)CheckedTag );
- /* ...or return TRUE not to call the gadget function */
- return SmartStrClicked( Wnd, Gadgets, IE, Msg );
- }
- BOOL NewTmpKeyPressed( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )
- {
- CheckedTag[1] = ( IE->C_Prefs & ONLY_NEW_TMP ) ? FALSE : TRUE;
- GT_SetGadgetAttrsA( Gadgets[ GD_NewTmp ], Wnd,
- NULL, (struct TagItem *)CheckedTag );
- return NewTmpClicked( Wnd, Gadgets, IE, Msg );
- }
- BOOL MsgClicked( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )
- {
- /* Routine when "Intui_Message " is clicked */
- IE->C_Prefs ^= INTUIMSG;
- return( 0 );
- }
- BOOL ClickClicked( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )
- {
- /* Routine when "Clicked _Ptr " is clicked */
- IE->C_Prefs ^= CLICKED;
- return( 0 );
- }
- BOOL OkClicked( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )
- {
- /* Routine when "_Ok" is clicked */
- return( -1 );
- }
- BOOL CancClicked( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )
- {
- /* Routine when "_Cancel" is clicked */
- return( 1 );
- }
- BOOL HandlerClicked( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )
- {
- /* Routine when "IDCMP _Handler" is clicked */
- if( IE->C_Prefs & IDCMP_HANDLER ) {
- IE->C_Prefs &= ~( CLICKED | INTUIMSG );
- MsgKeyPressed( Wnd, Gadgets, IE, Msg );
- ClickKeyPressed( Wnd, Gadgets, IE, Msg );
- }
- return( 0 );
- }
- BOOL KeyHandlerClicked( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )
- {
- /* Routine when "_Key Handler " is clicked */
- IE->C_Prefs ^= KEY_HANDLER;
- if( IE->C_Prefs & KEY_HANDLER ) {
- IE->C_Prefs &= ~( CLICKED | INTUIMSG );
- MsgKeyPressed( Wnd, Gadgets, IE, Msg );
- ClickKeyPressed( Wnd, Gadgets, IE, Msg );
- }
- return( 0 );
- }
- BOOL TemplateClicked( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )
- {
- /* Routine when "_Template " is clicked */
- IE->C_Prefs ^= GEN_TEMPLATE;
- return( 0 );
- }
- BOOL ToLowerClicked( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )
- {
- /* Routine when "To Lo_wer " is clicked */
- IE->C_Prefs ^= TO_LOWER;
- return( 0 );
- }
- BOOL ChipClicked( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )
- {
- /* Routine when "_UWORD chip:" is clicked */
- return( 0 );
- }
- BOOL SmartStrClicked( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )
- {
- /* Routine when "_Smart String" is clicked */
- IE->C_Prefs ^= SMART_STR;
- return( 0 );
- }
- BOOL NewTmpClicked( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )
- {
- IE->C_Prefs ^= ONLY_NEW_TMP;
- return( 0 );
- }
- ///